Driving Offences
Do you know that traffic offences are treated seriously in NSW. Losing your licence or got your licence suspended can have serious effects on your life and your family. Depending on the seriousness of the charge, the consequences can be very severe, and in extreme cases may result in a term of imprisonment.
There are two ways in which you can avoid a conviction. One is to enter a plea of guilty and request that the court not record a conviction. Second is to enter a plea of not guilty and successfully contest the charge. However, challenging a driving offence is time consuming and financially burden, it is more than often to make a plea of guilty, and obtain Section 10 (first time offender) to avoid licence disqualification.
If you have been charged with a traffic offence, you may want to contact us immediately. Oxford Law Group can help you understand the offence, penalties, what options are available and what will happen.